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#MAYA MeasuresCost per Conversion metric extracted from integrated platforms (eg Google, Bing, Facebook etc).


#MAYA MeasuresCost per Click calculated for paid ad account services. This is calculated by dividing Costs with Clicks extracted from integrated platforms (eg Google, Bing, Facebook etc).


#MAYA MeasuresClick-through-rate for paid ad account services. This is calculated by dividing Clicks to Impressions, extracted from integrated platforms (eg Google, Bing, Facebook etc).


#MAYA MeasuresConversion Rate metric for paid ad account services. This is calculated by dividing Conversions to Clicks, extracted from integrated platforms (eg Google, Bing, Facebook etc).


#MAYA MeasuresAll clicks from paid campaigns captured and extracted from integrated services. This metric is adjusted, depending on the campaign analysis level (Campaign, Ad, Keyword or Query).


#MAYA MeasuresTotal Conversions from all ad accounts/services.


#MAYA MeasuresAll costs from marketing promotions and online ads, captured and extracted from each service.  This metric is adjusted, depending on the campaign analysis level (Campaign, Ad, Keyword or Query). Default value is Campaign Costs.


#MAYA MeasuresAll impressions from paid campaigns captured and extracted from integrated services. This metric is adjusted, depending on the campaign analysis level (Campaign, Ad, Keyword or Query).

Added Cost Projection EOM graphed

Projected MeasuresThe additional marketing spend until the end of a running month. Can be used in combination with the Date Calendar to visualize how the cost is spread to the following month days.

Added Cost Projection end of month

Projected MeasuresThe projected marketing spend that will be added to the existing until the end of a running month. This metric is static and will not be affected by any Calendar Date filter.

Analytics Bounce Rate

Analytics MeasuresBounce rate is single-page sessions divided by all sessions, or the percentage of all sessions on your site in which users viewed only a single page and triggered only a single request to the Analytics server.
These single-page sessions have a session duration of 0 seconds since there are no subsequent hits after the first one that would let Analytics calculate the length of the session.

Analytics Bounces

Analytics MeasuresA bounce is a single-page session on your site. In Analytics, a bounce is calculated specifically as a session that triggers only a single request to the Analytics server, such as when a user opens a single page on your site and then exits without triggering any other requests to the Analytics server during that session.

Analytics CVR

Analytics MeasuresThe Google Analytics Conversions rate per unique user who has initiated at least one session.

Analytics Conversions

Analytics MeasuresA completed activity, online or offline, that is calculated as a conversion in Google Analytics.

Analytics Conversions Value

Analytics MeasuresThe total value of a Google Analytics conversion, that has been set from within google ads.

Analytics Number of Pages with Sessions

Analytics MeasuresThe total landing pages from user generated sessions.

Analytics Number of Pages with organic sessions

Analytics MeasuresThe total user landing pages which derive from organic sessions.

Analytics Organic Conversions

Analytics MeasuresConversions calculated in GA from organic sessions.

Analytics Organic Landing Page Acquisitions

Analytics MeasuresUnique new urls/landing pages bringing organic sessions.

Analytics Organic Sessions

Analytics MeasuresNumber of sessions that began on your site or app

Analytics Organic Sessions from Returing LPs

Analytics MeasuresOrganic sessions from returning URLS (landing pages) , captured by google analytics. The first session of the URL was not created in the applied date range.

Analytics Organic Sessions from new LPs

Analytics MeasuresOrganic Sessions from New URLS (landing pages), captured by google analytics. The first session of the URL was in the applied date range.

Analytics Sessions

Analytics MeasuresTotal number of Sessions. A session occurs when a user is actively engaged with the website, app, etc. All usage data (Screen Views, Events, Ecommerce, etc.) is associated with a session.

Analytics Transaction Revenue

Analytics MeasuresThis measure is the sum of the total revenue from transaction events captured in google analytics.

Analytics Transactions

Analytics MeasuresNumber of Transactions as captured in Google Analytics.

Analytics Users

Analytics MeasuresUsers who have initiated at least one session during the date range. The Users  metrics show how many users engaged with your site or app.

Cost Last 7 Days

Projected MeasuresLast 7 days Total Marketing Costs.

Cost Projection EOM graphed

Projected MeasuresThe projected marketing spend until the end of a running month. Can be used in combination with the Date Calendar to visualize how the cost is spread to the following month days.

Cost Projection end of month

Projected MeasuresThe projected marketing spend until the end of a running month. This metric is static and will not be affected by any Calendar Date filter.

Facebook Ads Unique Clicks

Facebook Measures (*)This measure is the sum of all unique facebook clicks on an ad level.

Unique clicks are calculated as one per unique users, or in other terms it is the same as a distinct count of all users performing an action.

Facebook Campaigns Unique Clicks

Facebook Measures (*)This measure is the sum of all unique facebook clicks on an ad group level.
Unique clicks are calculated as one per unique users, or in other terms it is the same as a distinct count of all users performing an action.

Facebook Frequency

Facebook Measures (*)How many times one person has seen your ad on average. The calculation is the number of impressions divided by the reach.

Facebook Reach

Facebook Measures (*)This measure captures the number of unique users who viewed or interacted with the Facebook content.

Manual Expenses

Advertising Measures (*)This measure is the sum of all manual expenses.

Selected Currency Column

x-Selector Spend Column

Selected Currency Line

x-Selector Spend Line

Selector Analytics Column

x-Selector Analytics Column

Selector Analytics Currency Column

x-Selector Analytics Column

Selector Analytics Currency Line

x-Selector Analytics Line

Selector Analytics Line

x-Selector Analytics Line

Selector Analytics Tree

x-Selector Analytics Tree

Selector Organic LPs Column

x-Selector Organic LPs Column

Selector Organic LPs Line

x-Selector Organic LPs Line

Selector Organic Queries Column

x-Selector Organic Queries Column

Selector Organic Queries Line

x-Selector Organic Queries Line

Selector PageSpeed Insights MS

x-Selector PageSpeed Insights MS

Selector PageSpeed Insights Score

x-Selector PageSpeed Insights Audit Score

Selector Spend Column

x-Selector Spend Column

Selector Spend Line

x-Selector Spend Line

Sitemap Pages #

Sitemap MeasuresNumber of pages /ULRs in Search Console Sitemap

Sitemap Pages # with no Clicks

Sitemap MeasuresNumber of pages /ULRs in Search Console Sitemap with no clicks.

Sitemap Pages # with no Impressions

Sitemap MeasuresNumber of pages /ULRs in Search Console Sitemap with no organic impressions.

Sitemap Pages # with no Paid Clicks

Sitemap MeasuresNumber of pages /ULRs in Search Console Sitemap with no clicks directed from advertisements.

adjust conversions slicer impressions

x-Slicers TitlesUsed on slicers to filter only values from the Adjust conversions data table.

adjust slicer impressions

x-Slicers TitlesUsed on slicers to filter only values from the Adjust performance data table.

analytics slicer impressions

x-Slicers TitlesMetric used on slicers inside to filter only values from the Analytics data table.

campaign slicer impressions

x-Slicers TitlesMetric used on slicers inside to filter only values from the Campaigns data table.

google play slicer installs

x-Slicers TitlesUsed on slicers, to filter only values from the Google Play Installs data table.

google play slicer reviews

x-Slicers TitlesUsed on slicers, to filter only values from the Google Play Reviews data table.

queries organic slicer impressions

x-Slicers TitlesMetric used on slicers inside to filter only values from the Organic Queries (SEO) data table.

queries paid slicer impressions

x-Slicers TitlesMetric used on slicers inside to filter only values from the Paid Queries (SEM) data table.

slicer paid conversions

x-Slicers TitlesMetric used on slicers inside to filter only Paid Conversion values.

speed slicer impressions

x-Slicers TitlesMetric used on slicers inside to filter only values from the Speed Performance data table.


x-Temp for reports

Adjust CTR

Adjust MeasuresThe Cost Per Click value after dividing Cost to Clicks from Adjust within a specified date range.Clicks

Ads Clicks

Advertising Measures (*)This measure is the sum of all clicks on a campaign ad level.Clicks

Campaigns Clicks

Advertising Measures (*)This measure is the sum of all clicks on a campaign level.Clicks

Keywords Clicks

Advertising Measures (*)This measure is the sum of all unique clicks on a keyword level.Clicks

!Adwords All Conversions

Advertising Measures (*)Adwords Conversions including conversion actions that are not included in the main Adwords Conversions.Conversions

!Adwords All Conversions value

Advertising Measures (*)Value in currency for !Adwords All Conversions.Conversions

!Adwords Conversions

Advertising Measures (*)This includes the main Adwords Conversions.Conversions

!Adwords Conversions value

Advertising Measures (*)Value in currency for !Adwords Conversions.Conversions

!Apple Conversions

Advertising Measures (*)All conversions extracted from the apple search ads service.Conversions

!Bing Conversions

Advertising Measures (*)This measure provides a view of the main Bing conversions that campaigns drive.Conversions

!Bing all Conversions

Advertising Measures (*)This measure provides a view of all the conversions that Bing campaigns drive. This includes the main Conversions along with any conversion actions that are not included in the main Conversions.Conversions

!Conversion Value

Advertising Measures (*)Metric of Conversion Value. It is a dynamic measure depending on whether the chosen conversion type filter (All or Main).Conversions

!Linkedin Conversions

Advertising Measures (*)This includes the main Linkedin
Conversions which can be drilled through different Linkedin digital marketing campaigns.

!Linkedin Conversions window

Advertising Measures (*)Dynamic LinkedIn Conversions metric based on selected Conversions Window.Conversions

Adjust CVR

Adjust MeasuresThe Conversion Rate value after dividing Conversions to Clicks from Adjust within a specified date range.Conversions

Adjust Conversion Value

Adjust MeasuresThe Conversion value extracted from Adjust Convertions within a specified date range.Conversions

Adjust Conversions

Adjust MeasuresAll Conversions extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Conversions

Facebook Conversions

Facebook Measures (*)This includes Facebook
Conversions which can be viewed across report levels (default level is Campaigns). Can also be switched between (Main and All Conversions).

Facebook Conversions 1d Click

Facebook Measures (*)Facebook Conversions based on last 1 day clicks (clicked on ad) conversion window.Conversions

Facebook Conversions 1d View

Facebook Measures (*)Facebook Conversions based on last 1 day view (viewed ad) conversion window.Conversions

Facebook Conversions 28d Click

Facebook Measures (*)Facebook Conversions based on last 28 day clicks conversion window.Conversions

Facebook Conversions 28d View

Facebook Measures (*)Facebook Conversions based on last 28 days view (viewed ad) conversion window.Conversions

Facebook Conversions 7d Click

Facebook Measures (*)Facebook Conversions based on last 7 day clicks conversion window.Conversions

Facebook Conversions 7d View

Facebook Measures (*)Facebook Conversions based on last 7 days view (viewed ad) conversion window.Conversions

Facebook Conversions window

Facebook Measures (*)This metric is the same as !Facebook Conversions, but another conversion window can be used that better suits the user.
The filter column Conversion Window from the table w_Conversion Window  can be used to choose an alternative conversion window.

Facebook Default Conversions

Facebook Measures (*)Metric for facebook conversions set on the default conversion window.Conversions

Linkedin Post Click Conversions

Advertising Measures (*)Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on an ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.Conversions

Linkedin Post View Conversions

Advertising Measures (*)Total number of times users took a desired action after seeing an ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.Conversions

Linkedin Website Conversions

Advertising Measures (*)Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on or seeing an ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.Conversions

Ads Cost

Advertising Measures (*)This measure is the total cost on a campaign ad level.Cost

Campaigns Cost

Advertising Measures (*)This measure is the total cost on a campaign level.Cost

Keywords Cost

Advertising Measures (*)This measure is the total cost on a keyword level.Cost

Adjust CPC

Adjust MeasuresThe Cost Per Click value after dividing Cost to Clicks from Adjust within a specified date range.Costs

Adjust Cost Per Conversion

Adjust MeasuresTotal Cost from Adjust for all conversions.Costs

Adjust Total Loaded Cost Per Conversion

Adjust MeasuresTotal marketing cost divided by Adjust Conversions within a specified date range.Costs

%Crawled Queries Cost

Query MeasuresMarketing Spend from SEM Campaigns analyzed by the Competitor Analysis Reports. Indicator of existing competition on queries targeted by SEM campaigns.Crawl

%Crawled Queries Paid Clicks

Query MeasuresClicks from SEM analyzed by the Competitor Analysis Reports. Indicator of existing competition on queries targeted by SEM campaigns.Crawl

Crawl Domains #

Query MeasuresThe number of distinct domains from crawled query search results.Crawl

Crawl Pages #

Query MeasuresThe number of pages from crawled query search results.Crawl

Crawl Share of SEO in Clicks

Query MeasuresTheoretical share of organic clicks, based on Crawling search results. Has value only as a percentage. Indicator of the share of SEO clicks the company receives.Crawl

Crawl Share of SEO in Value

Query MeasuresTheoretical value of the SEO results, based on SEM costs for the specific queries, and Theoretical Clicks calculated. Has value only as a percentage. Also an indicator of the share of SEO, but weighted based on SEM cost of the query (uses the assumption that different queries hold different value).Crawl

Crawled Queries #

Query MeasuresDistinct queries, used on the competition analysis report.Crawl

Crawled Queries Cost

Query MeasuresThe total cost from SEM campaigns for queries used on the competition analysis report.Crawl

Crawled Queries Paid Clicks

Query MeasuresTotal clicks from user queries on Search ads campaigns (paid queries), which have been crawled.Crawl

Ads Impressions

Advertising Measures (*)This measure is the sum of all impressions on a campaign ad level.Impressions

Campaigns Impressions

Advertising Measures (*)This measure is the sum of all impressions on a campaign level.Impressions

Keywords Impressions

Advertising Measures (*)This measure is the sum of all unique impressions on a keyword level.Impressions

Google Play Active Device Installs

App MeasuresUnique Devices that are considered active (device that has been turned on in the last 30 days) on the specified period.Installs

Google Play App Versions #

App MeasuresCount of unique App Versions from Google Play.Installs

Google Play Carriers #

App MeasuresCount of unique Carriers of devices installing the app from Google Play.Installs

Google Play Countries #

App MeasuresCount of unique Countries that have installed the app from Google Play.Installs

Google Play Daily Device Installs

App MeasuresUnique devices where the app was installed for the first time.Installs

Google Play Daily Device Uninstalls

App MeasuresUnique devices that have uninstalled the app during a specified period.Installs

Google Play Daily Device Upgrades

App MeasuresUnique devices that have upgraded the app during a specified period.Installs

Google Play Daily User Installs

App MeasuresThe number of users who installed the app and didn't have it installed on any devices at the time.Installs

Google Play Daily User Uninstalls

App MeasuresNumber of users who have uninstalled the app from all their devices, from Google Play.Installs

Google Play Devices #

App MeasuresCount of unique Devices (all kinds) that have installed the app from Google Play.Installs

Google Play Install Events

App MeasuresAll Install events from Google Play. This measure captures install events from new, returning devices and repeated install events from the same devices during a specified date range.Installs

Google Play Languages #

App MeasuresCount of unique Languages in which the app has been configured from Google Play.Installs

Google Play OS Versions #

App MeasuresCount of unique Android OS Versions from Google Play on a specified interval.Installs

Google Play Uninstall Events

App MeasuresAll Uninstall events from Google Play  (independent of returning, new device, or uniqueness of device).Installs

Google Play Update Events

App MeasuresAll Upgrade events captured from Google Play (independent of returning, new device, or uniqueness of device).Installs

!Number of Adgroups

Advertising Measures (*)Number of unique ad groups from paid ad accounts.Number of

!Number of Campaigns

Advertising Measures (*)Number of unique campaigns created from paid ad accounts.Number of

!Number of Keywords

Advertising Measures (*)Number of unique keywords set on paid ad accounts.Number of

Organic Clicks from new LPs

Query MeasuresOrganic Clicks from New URLS (landing pages). Clicks where the first impression of the URL appeared on an applied date range.Organic

Organic Clicks from new Queries

Query MeasuresOrganic Clicks from New Queries, where the first appearance of the Query, was in an applied date range.

Organic Impressions from Returing Queries

Query MeasuresOrganic Impressions from Returning Queries , meaning that the first Organic impression of the Query was not in the applied timeframe.Organic

Organic Impressions from Returning LPs

Query MeasuresOrganic Impressions from Returning URLs (landing pages), meaning that the first Organic impression of the URL was not in the applied timeframe.Organic

Organic Impressions from new LPs

Query MeasuresOrganic Impressions (SEO) from New URLS (landing pages), where the first impression of the URL appeared on an applied date range.Organic

Organic Impressions from new Queries

Query MeasuresOrganic Impressions from New Queries, where the first impression/ appearance of the Query, was in an applied date range.

Organic LPs #

Query MeasuresThe number of distinct pages/urls that appeared in SEO results.Organic

Organic LPs (*) CTR

Query MeasuresHow many clicks we are getting for every 100 impressions of a single Landing Page.Organic

Organic LPs Clicks

Query MeasuresNumber of clicks from Organic search on a landing page level. This measure differs from Organic Queries Clicks, as it analyzes clicks at a landing page level and not on a property/domain level. More information can be found here:Organic

Organic LPs Impressions

Query MeasuresNumber of impressions from Organic search on a landing page level. This measure differs from Organic Queries Impressions, as it analyzes Impressions at a landing page level and not on a property/domain level. More information can be found here:Organic

Organic LPs Weighted Avg Position

Query MeasuresThe average url position in organic searches weighted by it's total number of impressions within a specified interval.Organic

Organic New LPs #

Query MeasuresNumber of urls/landing pages that received organic impressions for the first time.Organic

Organic New Queries #

Query MeasuresNumber of search terms for which the property/domain receives impressions in organic searches for the first time.Organic

Organic Queries #

Query MeasuresNumber of search terms for which the property/domain receives impressions in organic searches.Organic

Organic Queries CTR

Query Measureshow many clicks we are getting for every 100 impressions on google search based on the property

Organic Queries Clicks

Query MeasuresNumber of distinct organic clicks a property/domain receives from searches on a specific query.Organic

Organic Queries Impressions

Query MeasuresNumber of distinct organic impressions a property/domain receives from searches on a specific query. This counts a single impression for the property/domain per search.Organic

Organic Queries Value

Query MeasuresThe theoretical value of queries based on Cost Per Click from SEM results and total Organic Clicks on a specified interval.Organic

Organic Queries Weighted Avg Position

Query MeasuresThe average position a domain appeared in search weighted by impressions.Organic

Speed Cumulative Layout Shift

Speed MeasuresCumulative Layout Shift measures the movement of visible elements within the viewport. To calculate the layout shift score, the browser looks at the viewport size and the movement of unstable elements in the viewport between two rendered frames.PageSpeed Insights

Speed MS First Contentful Paint

Speed MeasuresFirst Contentful Paint marks the time at which the first text or image is painted. Calculated in milliseconds.PageSpeed Insights

Speed MS Index

Speed MeasuresSpeed Index is a performance metric that measures how quickly your page is visually complete above-the-fold. Calculated in milliseconds.PageSpeed Insights

Speed MS Largest Contentful Paint

Speed MeasuresMetric which represents how quickly the main content of a web page is loaded. Calculated in milliseconds.PageSpeed Insights

Speed MS Time to Interactive

Speed MeasuresMetric capturing the amount of time it takes for the page to become fully interactive. Calculated in milliseconds.PageSpeed Insights

Speed MS Total Blocking Time

Speed MeasuresSum of all time periods between FCP and Time to Interactive, when task length exceeded 50ms, expressed in milliseconds. Calculated in milliseconds.PageSpeed Insights

Speed Score Cumulative Layout Shift

Speed MeasuresThe audit score as a percentage calculated for the metric Cumulative Layout Shift.PageSpeed Insights

Speed Score First Contentful Paint

Speed MeasuresThe audit score as a percentage calculated for the metric First Contentful Paint.PageSpeed Insights

Speed Score Index

Speed MeasuresThe audit score as a percentage calculated for the metric Index.PageSpeed Insights

Speed Score Largest Contentful Paint

Speed MeasuresThe audit score as a percentage calculated for the metric Largest Contentful Paint.PageSpeed Insights

Speed Score Time to Interactive

Speed MeasuresAudit score as a percentage for the metric Time to Interactive.PageSpeed Insights

Speed Score Total Blocking Time

Speed MeasuresSum of all time periods between FCP and Time to Interactive, when task length exceeded 50ms, expressed in milliseconds.PageSpeed Insights

Speed Score Value

Speed MeasuresThe speed score value calculated based on each metric and it's appointed weight.PageSpeed Insights

Speed Weight

Speed MeasuresThe weight of each metric used to calculate the total score.PageSpeed Insights

Paid Impressions from new Queries

Query MeasuresImpressions from search ad campaigns on Queries, whose first impression/ appearance, was in an applied date range.Paid

Paid Clicks from Returing Queries

Query MeasuresClicks from search ad campaigns on returning Queries.Paid

Paid Clicks from new Queries

Query MeasuresClicks from search ad campaigns on Queries, whose first impression/ appearance, was in an applied date range.Paid

Paid Impressions from Returing Queries

Query MeasuresImpressions from search ad campaigns on returning Queries.

Paid New Queries #

Query MeasuresNumber of queries for which the company receives impressions for the first time in the specified interval.Paid

Paid Queries #

Query MeasuresNumber of unique queries bringing traffic from paid search campaigns.Paid

Paid Queries CTR

Query MeasuresHow many unique clicks we are getting for every 100 property/domain impressions on search ads.Paid

Paid Queries Clicks

Query MeasuresNumber of unique property/domain clicks (at most one per query search result) from paid search campaigns.Paid

Paid Queries Conversions

Query MeasuresNumber of conversions from paid search campaigns on a query level. Can be filtered by conversion type (ALL or Main).Paid

Paid Queries Cost

Query MeasuresTotal cost from paid search campaigns.Paid

Paid Queries Impressions

Query MeasuresNumber of unique property/domain Impressions (at most one per query search result) from paid search campaigns.Paid

Adjust Clicks

Adjust MeasuresClicks extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

Adjust Cost

Adjust MeasuresCost extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

Adjust Impressions

Adjust MeasuresImpressions extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

Adjust Installs

Adjust MeasuresInstalls extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

Adjust Organic Installs

Adjust MeasuresAll Organic Installs extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

Adjust Paid Clicks

Adjust MeasuresAll Paid Clicks extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

Adjust Paid Impressions

Adjust MeasuresAll Paid Impressions extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

Adjust Paid Installs

Adjust MeasuresAll Paid Installs extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

Adjust Reattributions

Adjust MeasuresNumber of reattributions extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

Adjust Rejected Installs

Adjust MeasuresNumber of rejected Installs extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

Adjust Revenue

Adjust MeasuresAll Revenue extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

Adjust Sessions

Adjust MeasuresAll Sessions extracted from Adjust within a specified date range.Performance

%Google Play Review Answer Followups

App MeasuresPercentage of Text Reviews from Users on Google Play, where the reviewer followed up to his/her review with another one.Reviews

%Google Play Reviews Answered

App MeasuresPercentage of Reviews that have been answered from the people handling app responses.Reviews

Google Play Avg Review rating

App MeasuresAverage review rating of the app within a specified interval.Reviews

Google Play Followup Reviews with Text #

App MeasuresThe number of Text Reviews from Users on Google Play, where the reviewer followed up to his/her review with another one.Reviews

Google Play Review Avg Hours to Answer

App MeasuresAverage time in hours it takes for an answer to a user review, during a specified interval.Reviews

Google Play Review Median Hours to Answer

App MeasuresMedian time in hours it takes for an answer to a user review, during a specified interval.Reviews

Google Play Reviews #

App MeasuresThe number of User Reviews from Google Play.Reviews

Google Play Reviews Answered #

App MeasuresNumber of Reviews that have been answered from the people handling app responses.Reviews

Google Play Reviews with Text #

App MeasuresThe number of User Reviews with Text from Google Play.Reviews

Filter Info specific

x-Slicers TitlesText showing all applied filters.Titles and colors auxilary

!Adwords Cost per Video View

Advertising Measures (*)This is the cost per video view extracted from Adwords service.Video

!Adwords Video Views

Advertising Measures (*)Total video views extracted from Adwords service.Video

!Adwords Video Views 100 perc

Advertising Measures (*)Total video views extracted from Adwords service where the viewer watched all of the video.Video

!Adwords Video Views below25 perc

Advertising Measures (*)Total video views extracted from Adwords service where the viewer watched 25% of the video.Video

!Adwords Video Views below50 perc

Advertising Measures (*)Total video views extracted from Adwords service where the viewer watched 50% of the video.Video

!Adwords Video Views below75 perc

Advertising Measures (*)Total video views extracted from Adwords service where the viewer watched 75% of the video.Video